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Charting and Graphing with Javascript, Flash or API


There seems to be a lot of work around generating Charts and Graphs as over the past few months there have been several major graphing/charting projects to come to my attention.

Google Chart API - Most recently Google jumped into the graphing and charting arena by providing a REST API. This is another good move for Google and looks to be a solid first release, providing more initial documentation that I've seen in any of the Google API's.

Open Flash Chart - These are really slick graphs and charts! Want interactive, easy to implement, and (yes, I'll say it again) slick looking graphs and charts? Then have a look at Open Flash Chart (OFC) and you'll quickly understand why I think it's one of the best of the bunch. They have every type of graph or chart you'd need and make getting your data to the SWF file a snap. Just provide it with a data structure by using one of the many helpers for just about any language and you'll have impressive graphs and charts in minutes. It's gonna be interesting to see which major companies will come to use these graphs and charts.

Flot - Uses jQuery to produce some very nice graphs and charts. This is definitely a project to watch in the future.